Our wishlist & items you can donate

Items we need

Because we are constantly bringing in new dogs into the sanctuary, we have an ongoing need for dog food, medication, blankets, and more.

Whether you'd like to purchase some of our wishlist items at a retail store or online at Amazon, we will arrange pickup or delivery with you.

Once you have your items ready, please fill out the "Donating Items" form at the bottom of this page. Thank you for your support!

Buy FLPS wishlist items
Dry Dog Food (Costco Brand)
Wet Dog Food ( Costco Brand)
Pill pockets
Grizzly Omega Oil
Paper towels / toilet paper
Dish soap
Bathroom rugs (rubber backed)
Dog Beds
Our wishlist and items you can donate to Forever Loved Pet Sanctuary

What if I have items at home to donate?

Over the years, people have donated items to Forever Loved when they've sadly lost a pet, their pet is now taking different medication, they're moving, or they are snow-birding to avoid the Arizona summer. Please fill out the form below — we are grateful for your donation!

Item donation form

Thank you for considering donating new or lightly used items to FLPS. Please provide details by filling out the form below. After we receive your information, we'll arrange pickup or delivery with you. Thanks!

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